Saturday, April 21, 2012

All Things Easter

As Easter neared, that meant our Lenten journey was ending, and we spent the final week, Holy Week, trying to remember the sacrifice that was made for us.  Eli was excited that his countdown calendar was almost all colored in and that Easter was so close.  I wanted to be sure to help him remember why we celebrate Easter.  On Good Friday, he and I sat down during Jude's afternoon nap to do the Stations of the Cross.  We reflected and even got a bit emotional about all that Jesus went through...for us. Pretty powerful stuff.

Throughout Lent, we did a color-a-day countdown calendar, an activity book with daily scripture tie-ins, prayed, and fasted. We subscribed to the Holy Heroes Lenten Adventure and even prayed some of the rosary together.  Eli was incredibly sweet this year and decided to give up chips and cookies.  This was a huge sacrifice for him as he loves both of those things.  I think grocery shopping was the hardest part.  Having to go past the bakery without getting a cookie was quite a challenge....especially when Jude got one. Overall, he did really well remembering and would often remind me that he couldn't have a treat because he had given it up for Lent.

Of course, we had found ways to have fun during Holy Week as well.  On Holy Saturday, we went to an egg hunt hosted by a local church...complete with all kinds of other fun activities such as a petting zoo, pony rides, bounce houses, cotton candy, and more.  Eli and I had been hiding eggs during the week so that Jude would know what to do in his first hunt. And did he ever. He was a pro!

We all got a kick out of the fact that he wanted nothing to do with the straw...he would pick it off carefully before putting each egg in his basket.  Just adorable!  Jude also got to have his first pony ride...he wasn't sure at first, but seemed ok with it in the end.

That afternoon, Eli woke up from his nap to discover that it was time to dye eggs!  Mommy (not-so)-secretly looks forward to dying eggs every year.  Jude got in on the decorating action too. 

The eggs turned out just beautiful. 

Then it was time for the Easter Bunny to pay us a visit. The boys got baskets that were exploding with all kinds of goodies and there were eggs all over the place. Inside and outside. Both boys were too excited to sleep and were up before the sun to discover the treats that were here for them.

Eli was excited to be able to bring "Alleluia" back out as we had hidden it away for Lent.

My parents were coming over for an Easter brunch, so the boys got to work making yummy Resurrection Rolls.  A must make Easter morning treat with a perfect message to go along with them.

Jude didn't quite get the hang of how to make them, but he had fun chowing down on the dough.  Haha!

We were glad Grandma and Grandpa could come and celebrate with us and enjoy a tasty brunch too.  They brought the boys some new Easter books.

The rest of the day was a joyful celebration of the resurrection....being with family and having fun. The boys had several more egg hunts in the back yard.  Doesn't everybody hunt for eggs without pants on?

We went to the Easter service that evening as Aunt Kristi was singing at this mass.  Time to don the spiffy bow ties Mommy made and go sing all kinds of Alleluias at church! 

My handsome boys.  Eli worked hard to comb that hair just the way he wanted it.

The day was great from start to finish.  Such a glorious Easter!

Christ the Lord is risen today. Alleluia!!


  1. Love the pics of Daddy and Jude. Well all of them. But those made me especially happy! Looks like a fun week!

  2. Awesome pics KT!!!
