Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sweet Smiles

Finally got some good ones.

When he's not refluxing, he's a happy boy: cooing, staring, and smiling. Sadly, he refluxes a lot and it makes him sad. Us too. We are talking 20-40 times on a bad day. Poor baby! All who hold sweet Jude are warned and armed with a burp cloth, but he has an art for missing the burp cloth completely. My perfume these days is "eau de barf." Don't get too close.

I hear that babies outgrow reflux, but we have debated taking him to the pediatrician for medical intervention advice. Any of you with info or experience with babies that barf, feel free to share your two cents with us. We are open to most all ideas at this point. Especially if it helps our sweet baby share his smile with us more often.


  1. Hey Katie-
    Julia had lots of barf too and outgrew it by 4 months. It didn't make her scream or unhappy, I just had that certain smeall as well! But if it is upsetting him, I would get him on meds. They say if he is hurting and/or he isn't gaining weight, you should put him on meds. My first son, Carter, was a preemie, so he had reflux and was on the meds. It worked wonders! Good luck! He is beautiful. Merry Christmas.

  2. What a cutie Katie! Shepherd (my 8 month old) has reflux, but silent reflux so no barf in house house thankfully but it kicked in around 2 weeks and was pretty bad by 4 weeks.... babies with reflux= no sleep! He started on Zantac which worked for a while but is now on double the adult dose of Prevacid in a tablet that dissolves in his mouth. I can understand you not wanting to put him on meds, but in our case it really helped Shep. Good luck to you and Merry Christmas!
