Thursday, November 11, 2010

In Less than 24 Hours.....

In less than 24 hours, I will be holding our new baby boy. Hard to believe that the BIG day has finally come. I made it! We, of course, are thrilled and excited. The house has been a buzz of activity all week in final prep for the big day.

I did the smartest thing I've ever done (with a little encouragement from some coworkers and friends)....I took my maternity leave starting last Friday. I have felt better this week than I have in the past 3 months. I didn't realize how much teaching was taking out of me!! Hard job...even part time! And I have gotten so much done. Nesting hit me hard this week. I guess when you have the time and energy, nesting happens. I was in denial about it until this week.

Things that have been accomplished:
  • A very clean by room (minus the office and garage which are currently housing our TO BE SOLD piles for a future garage sale and other assorted junk treasures. This includes closets, pantry, refrigerator, and several cabinets cleaned out. So refreshing to haul several trash bags to the garbage can and bags of clothes and what not to the SELL piles.
  • Eli's new bedroom is practically finished. Not accessorized and the dresser is still not together due to two, yup 2!!, broken tops. Ugh. Hope the company can send us a good one on the 3rd try. Trying not to let it stress me out as there is nothing I can really do about it at this point. Eli's clothes are staying in his old furniture in the nursery and Jellybean's clothes are piled in a laundry basket for now. {picture coming!}
  • Oh yeah, laundry. Washed and dried all the baby clothes, blankets, towels, etc along with all of our clothes. So much that we blew the thermostat in our dryer.
  • Daddy fixed the dryer. Go Daddy!
  • Eli transitioned to his new bedroom and has slept there most of this week. He is doing wonderfully in his new big boy bed and room.
  • Cleaned and vacuumed the car, installed the infant car seat, and checked the tire pressure.
  • Bags have been packed and repacked. I am sure I over-packed. Maybe I should repack it one more time.
  • Cleaned and set up the cradle in our bedroom. It is the cradle that my sisters and I slept in as babies. Hoping Jellybean is a better sleeper than his brother, and that we will actually be able to use it this time around.
  • Squeezed in one last pedicure. Ahhhh!
And I'm sure we did more, but that is what I can remember. I told you I was feeling better. Sooo many less contractions this week despite all that hard work. Maternity leave is a wonderful thing.

I have also tried to find some extra quality time to spend with Eli this week as it is his last one as an only child. I have found myself near tears tucking him in and singing to him each night. I have loved my only boy for almost 4 years. Our lives are going to change so much...and for the better, I know, but it is still an emotional time too. Eli and I have had several lunch dates this week, played Peter Pan a lot, snuggled, gone to the park, and even made it to the Veteran's Day Parade downtown today.

He is going to be such a fabulous big brother, I know it.

We have a couple family members coming in tonight, and we head in to the hospital around 10 tomorrow morning. Surgery (if all goes according to plan, and we don't get bumped) is scheduled for 12:30. Prayers are much appreciated. Still no name. We have a rough list but are confident that once he is here, we'll be able to decide on a perfect name for the little guy.

Time to relax and enjoy our final night as the "Carson Trio." Tomorrow afternoon we will be a "Gang of Four." Wow!


  1. I am crying. This post is incredibly sweet. I am so excited for you guys! We love you!! xoxo

  2. prayed today, can't wait to hear more!!!
    so excited for you!
