Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another busy week is slipping away, but I wanted to try to get a minute to put last month's pictures up. Remember that new lens I got?.....Well, I L_O_V_E it! Lots more pictures this month.

And just a couple of random fun facts about Eli lately:
  • He has been working hard to master hopping on one foot....he's getting good!
  • He is becoming more and more interested in language and letters. Loves to practice writing his name and pretends to write lots of other things too.
  • Eli continues to love preschool. He even went on his first field trip with his class. (despite Mommy's near heart attack about letting him ride in some one's car!)
  • The preschool class performed in the school's monthly community sing.
Adorable little bunch, aren't they? I bet Matt that morning that Eli wouldn't sing when he got up in front of the group...after singing it all week long at home. I was right, can't you tell?
  • He also took a pretty big tumble on the sidewalk while playing at school. He has some scratches and knocked a couple teeth loose, so he's only able to eat soft foods or drink liquids. He has been a trouper!
I'm going to go relax on the couch with the hubby now. We have a fun and busy month ahead of us. First up....DISNEY! In 8 days! Eli isn't the only one getting excited.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little Eli!!! Hope he heals up quick!! Can't wait to see pics from Disney!!
    Love you all!
    (Aunt) Kate
