Friday, September 12, 2008

Busy Busy

I'm completely and utterly exhausted. I don't know what it is about this week, but it wiped me out. Eli beginning to cut his two-year molars probably isn't helping.....(I do have to brag on him a bit here. He is waking up at night because of his teeth, but putting himself back to sleep. We, unfortunately, wake up each time with him...and listen on the monitor, and then WE have to put ourselves back to sleep.)

I have quite a few more responsibilities associated with school this year than I did last year. I do much more planning, assessing, and reflecting. All of this has to be done in my *spare time* each day at home. That's funny....spare time....what's that? With a toddler at home, I lack spare time.

Here is a cute example of one of the oodles of things that keeps me busy each day:

The boy loves his oatmeal. He can use a spoon, but why?...when your hands are much more fun. I think oatmeal is up there as one of my least favorite foods to clean him up from (second only to grits...) but at the same time one of my most favorites to feed him. What a healthy breakfast choice...especially when he adds his own blueberries too!

We're off to Dunedin this weekend....stories to follow, I'm sure! Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to the grits. I hate to clean grits, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese and feta cheese from the FLOORS. Ugh. I dread it. It just smears around and gets even nastier! But that little Eli... he's PRECIOUS!
