Monday, February 29, 2016

January Wrap-Up

You know, since it is the end of February, it makes total sense to be wrapping up January. Always playing catch-up. Yup.

So let's see....January....

January finally brought some winter weather which always means cute hats around here. The cooler temps don't stick around for very long, so we try to take advantage and wear our winter gear as much as possible.

Cooler temps also meant cuddly movie nights in Mommy and Daddy's bed.

Jude got invited to a skating party, so back to the rink we went. Jonah got to try out skates for the first time...skating and toe walking DO NOT mix! Jonah was a mess, but had fun. Jude was super independent and was a dancing machine. He even won a glow stick for his dance moves! Since Jonah was over skating pretty quickly, he got a few tokens to use. He ended up hitting the ticket jackpot on a game. He was tickled.

Jude is such a goofball, and I seriously love it. Always up for fun and has such a silly personality. He loves to go all out for Wacky Wednesday at school....the hair is his favorite part!

And we can't forget looking good for picture day...."Hey ladies!" 

Along with being silly, Jude is also a sweet cuddle bug. One day, he forgot to hug and kiss me one more time before I left him at school, and he was sad. His teacher helped him come up with a plan to feel better. He wrote me a note so that she could take a picture and send it to me. Cue the heart melting!

Jude isn't our only goofball. Jonah loves to take selfies and pose for the camera. He is mastering his silly faces.

Theo's favorite pose of the month was feet up!

And finally, Eli and Jude both played their first season of soccer for the city. They both showed some skills and improved as the season went on. Jude learned not to walk off the field for a sip of water while the game was going on. Haha! And we also discovered that he is a pretty good goalie. He earned his first sporty nickname: The Wall.

Eli played forward and striker most of the season and showed incredible perseverance and ball control. He hustled and played every game as hard as he could. I was touched by his sense of sportsmanship and kindness as he helped fallen players from his own team as well as the opposing team. Eli's team only won one game, but Eli never let that keep him from playing his heart out. He may have finally found a sport he loves. We decided to sign him up for a spring league that starts up in the next week or so.

And that was January!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

six months old

Theo is half way to one...also known as the fastest six months of my life! They get faster with each baby. For real.

At 6 months, Theo: 

He continues to grow well...getting chunkier by the day. He was 17.5 pounds and 25.5 inches long at his 6 month appointment.

Theo has mastered sitting up and is teething like crazy. His favorite thing to chew on...besides his hands or his shirt when I'm trying to get him his banana toothbrush. With the amount of chewing and drooling, teeth will be here any day. 

When he isn't practicing his sitting, he is practicing his rolling and his toe grabbing. I feel like his favorite position this month was FEET UP!

Theo is ready for food! All of a sudden he started grabbing at mine. With the new found interest and sitting skills, he will be trying his first foods this coming month.

Theo is still incredibly ticklish and gives some awesome belly laughs. Baby laughs are truly the best sound in the world. Besides Mama, Jude makes him laugh the most....the two of them really enjoy playing peek-a-boo. Theo also has started to enjoy playing with toys and grabbing his Mama's hair.

In addition to laughing, Theo blows a mean raspberry!

This month, Theo has decided that he does not hate tummy time and even prefers to nap on his tummy. 

I sure do love all of these cute little details about this kid. He is so easygoing and incredibly easy on the eyes too. 

If this second half of Theo's life is anything like the first half, we are in for a wild and incredibly fun ride. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Our Newest Child of God

Theo was baptized at the end of January. Better late than never! It is always such a joyous and special day. It meant so much to have family and friends make time to be part of his day. We missed those far away, but we know they were with us in spirit.

We are blessed to have Aunt Kristi and Uncle Steve as Theo's godparents. He is a lucky kid. 

It was also a treat to have Fr. Chris be able to come and celebrate the sacrament with us. We treasure his friendship.

Welcome to our church family, sweet Theodore James. You are truly a precious child of God!