Eli wrapped up another school year. He finished strong and made straight A's all year long. I try not to boast or brag, but I cannot help but be over-joyed by his ability and effort. Gifted class was one of his favorite things about the year....besides lunch, recess, and PE. He is totally rocking this whole school thing. When he can stay focused and finish his work, there is no stopping him!
"My, how you've grown." I remember that phrase from my childhood days too.
"Just wait and see." I remember those words and how they chided me, when patient was the hardest thing to be. Because we can't make up for the time that we've lost, I must let these memories provide. No little [boy] can stop [his] world to wait for me.
I should have known. At your age, in a string of days the year is gone. But in that space of time, it takes so long.
Because we can't make up for the time that we've lost, I must let those memories provide. No little [boy] can stop [his] world to wait for me."
This kid is bound for second grade. He is excited and sad all at the same time. He really enjoyed his teacher this year and was truly sad to say goodbye to her. At the same time, he is thrilled to be a SECOND GRADER! Wait. What? I have a second grader???? Sigh. Crazy. Truly crazy. I wish he would stop growing up....
And as if the end of a school year wasn't enough on our plates, Eli finally got to test for his green belt in karate over the weekend. He was scheduled to test the Saturday after he broke his foot, but that didn't happen. After two months in a cast and a month of recovery/rebuilding strength/reviewing skills, he was ready to promote. Finally. It was a long time coming, so he was pretty happy.
Of course, we had to kick off summer with some fun. We got out our pool and the boys have been in it everyday so far. All three love it. There may or may not have been some popsicles involved.
Happy Summer!
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