Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Month 7 in Pictures

Time isn't stopping and it sure as heck isn't slowing down any. Jonah passed the 7 month mark this past weekend. He is still super sweet and loves to check out all the new things in his world. 

He is eating a variety of foods and likes most of them....but not plain old oatmeal. Blech!  "Why did you feed me this stuff, Mama?" He is desperate to eat like a big boy, so we use the mesh food holder, let him gnaw on his cup, and eat some baby finger foods like Mum Mums.

Overall, he is still on the smaller side. Though Jonah still has plenty of chunk in his delicious thighs, he continues to wear most of his 3-6 month clothes and a size 2 diaper.

This month Jonah preferred sitting to laying down. If you lay him on his back, he almost immediately rolls over to his tummy and gets up on all fours. He will rock on all fours for a long time before getting frustrated and tired. Though he isn't crawling, he is truly on the verge. Any day! He has inch wormed around a bit and can get somewhere if he wants to get there.

Photo sessions are getting a little trickier as he will flip over to try to crawl away or go from his sit into a crawl stance. I gotta be quick and work for my pictures now!

Despite rarely showing them off yet, he did manage to sprout two teeth this month. Those teeth, as cute as they are, wrecked the boy's ability to sleep through the night. Oh well, it was a nice week of remembering what sleep feels like. Just enough to make me want it back really really badly. 

He was pretty clueless as to what was going on, but Jonah did experience cheering on the Gators this month. Sadly, he has already learned what it is like to lose....more like how Mommy and Daddy act when the Gators lose. 

looking at the camera often makes Jonah go cross-eyed
My precious little man became incredibly clingy this month. He rarely lets me put him down at all these days. Unfortunately, he learned to open his mouth to scream and cry. He used to just whimper and hum. I could handle that, but his cry is just heartbreaking now. I much prefer his sweet smily face, so that means I am holding him in my arms, the Boba carrier, or the sling most of the day. 

Along with learning to cry louder, he is also babbling more and more. In addition to his squeals, giggles (he is so ticklish!), and raspberries, he now growls and will babble "dadada" and "muhmuhmuh." He loves to hear his own voice...almost as much as he enjoys seeing his reflection in a mirror. I know, Baby. I can't stop staring at your cute face either. 

....And just like his brothers, he has a scrunchie smile face. Too much cuteness! 

Happy 7 months to you, my sweet Jonah! I think we are in for a lot of fun this coming month. 

(for the fun of it: Jude at 7 months ---- they don't look as much alike as I keep thinking they do)

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