Saturday, February 9, 2013

Counting Down

Countdowns are always fun. And counting down to holidays and exciting events are just too easy. Advent calendars and paper chains are go-to's for us, but this year, I decided to snatch up some fun ideas from around the Internet to countdown 'til Valentine's Day.

Last year, you may remember...I caved in and actually celebrated the holiday for the first time in years. There was no turning back. On to figure out small ways to celebrate and make the day special this year. Last year, I found this Acts of Love idea and loved it, so I made it our own with some cute LOVE filled Bible verses and a challenge "act of love" on the back.

Eli has enjoyed pulling one each day and carrying out his challenge. We talk about the scriptures, but his favorite part are the acts of love that he has to find a way to build into his day.

I also found a fun idea for Dinner Time Conversation Hearts. They are hanging right by our table, and Eli looks forward to pulling one down each night. He reads the question on the back for us to talk about while we eat.

Some fun questions have been: What food would you eat if you could only eat one food for an entire week? How would you spend one million dollars? What animal would you want to be and why? 

We try to get Jude into the conversation too, but some questions are easier for him than others. Once we are finished, we put the heart back up on the door around our ribbon of unasked questions as decoration. Very cute and very fun!

So far, both countdowns are a success. Eli has finished his valentines for his classmates....just in case Mommy runs out of time to help with that as we have another countdown going on too....

9 days left.

Baby Blueberry will be here super soon, and despite some false labor that was convincing enough that I started timing contractions, little Blueberry seems to be content where he is. He is still super high and doing his thing. The belly has really popped in these final weeks. All of a sudden it is out there, and I'm wondering if this means he is going to be bigger than his brothers. I will try to get a picture up this week. 

This weekend is a full one. Lots of fun to be had and lots of prep to do. As I type, Matt just got back from picking up the new beds for the Big Brother room. Exciting stuff. 

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