Thursday, January 13, 2011

And in This Corner...

...weighing in at 12 pounds 4 ounces and 22 1/4 inches tall...

It is 2 month old, Jude!

We were able to get Jude's stats this week at his 2 month appointment, and just like his brother, he is growing out faster than he is growing up. He is in the 44th percentile for weight and only the 9th for height. His head size is in the 43rd percentile. All of this leads to absolutely edible thighs that are chunking up quickly. Very quickly, our fragile little newborn is turning into an adorably round and squishy baby. Love it.

We were able to talk to the doctor about the spitting up and reflux issues, and before I could finish telling her all the details, she already had her prescription pad out, signed, and ready. We have been pleased with the fact that our doctor is not quick prescribe meds. I feel very comfortable that we have done the right thing, and Jude is now on a very low dose of Zantac. Hopefully we will see the excessive spitting and the fussiness that goes along with it calm down in the next few far, not yet. If it doesn't improve, we'll keep trying to get a dose or a plan in place that works. I was delighted to hear that she DOES NOT think it is food related, and that I shouldn't need to try the "elimination diet." Hallelujah. Welcome back coffee and chocolate!!

This appointment also brought shots...

our little fella was not a fan. So sad! He was pitiful the rest of the day. Very very sleepy and seemed to cry out in pain whenever I picked him up. So sad.

I am trying to keep up with all of his milestones...though it is harder to keep on top of it the second time around.

I hope to fill up this calendar with all kinds of fun facts. It is my version of a baby book....along with the blog.

The comments we hear about our sweet baby most often (besides "He's so cute!"...of course) are, "He's so alert!" and "He's so strong!" It is true, our social butterfly doesn't nap a lot and will smile, and maybe even let out a little squeal, for just about anyone who pays him any attention. He has good neck control which comes in handy trying to keep an eye on big brother Eli at all times.

At this very moment, Jude is protesting. He is not a fan of Mommy sitting at the computer; I have been working on this post for 3 days now. Gotta run. Happy 2 months, Jude!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if not napping is a second-baby thing, since there is so much to see and do around the house when there is an older sibling :) C always napped a lot, but N, especially in her first six months, napped only about twice a day, with only one longish nap.

    Jude is so cute! :) :)
