We are gearing up for the Super Bowl around here. We spend our season rooting on the Tampa Bay Bucs & the Pittsburgh Steelers. Matt, being born in Pittsburgh and having family there, is a Steelers fan. When we started dating I was a Dallas Cowboys fan...but *I can't believe I'm admitting this...* only because I dreamed of being a Dallas Cowgirl when I was younger. It is true (...as I turn beet red!) I decided since Matt was a Steelers fan, I would be one too. Matt quickly informed me that I could
NOT be a Cowboys fan
and a Steelers fan. (The teams have a history of rivalry...) I had to choose. Due to my lack of substantial...and rather embarrassing...ties to the Cowboys, I quickly abandoned "my team" and became a Steelers fan. I guess he officially made me choose when the Cowboys and Steelers met for Super Bowl XXX in 1996. Now, we have also always been Bucs fans.
Some might say we are bigger Bucs fans than Steeler fans.So this is a big year for the Steelers...back to the Super Bowl again. And what a treat that the game is being played in Tampa this year. Matt and his Dad will be going to the game! Isn't that exciting? I am jealous that we don't have more tickets.
And now we have been challenged with the task to teach Eli the Steelers fight song....
Stay tuned (hopefully...if we can get him to learn it
and sing it
and capture it on video...) for Eli's version.
For now...all you get is a picture!

Go Steelers!