Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Night, Gorilla!

Eli's favorites come and go so quickly these days. And it is no different when it comes to his favorite book of the month/week/day/moment. Not that he doesn't still love old favorites such as Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.... But I think we have a new favorite book.

Eli and I read Good Night, Gorilla six times this afternoon. I'm not kidding. Each time at his request. "One more, Mama! One more!" He laughed at the same pages each time; he got excited and surprised at all the right spots. He even started telling me what was happening...or about to happen on the next page. The text is pretty simple...saying "good night" to the animals in the zoo. He pointed to the words on each page and said, "Night!"

Don't you just love it?

And can you guess what book he picked to read before bed tonight? That's right....you guessed it!

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