Friday, March 14, 2008

He's On Track

Since last week's trip to the doctor resulted in a flu diagnosis and a prescription for a cough...I figured I'd report on this week's "well-child" visit.  Eli was due for his 15 month check-up.  The nurses, as usual, commented about how amazingly well-behaved he was and his great thighs.  He didn't fuss at all (until it came time for the shots....dun-dun-dun.)  

He stood on the scale all by himself and stood still against the wall to be measured.  As for his measurements, he's a little over 22 pounds, 29 and a half inches tall, and has a BIG noggin.  This puts him around the 20th percentile for weight, the 10th for height, and at the 90th for head circumference.  I wonder who he gets that from? :)  I measured Eli's height the other day, and got around 30 inches, so I don't know if letting him stand on his own gave the most accurate measure...or it could just be that Mama really stretched him out in hopes to add inches to his short stature.  

As for developmental milestones, Eli's doctor went down her list and was impressed with how 
much Eli can do and say.  According to her list, he is already doing some 2-year old skills.  We knew he was a genius, didn't we?  He can build a tower of two blocks, has a vocabulary of over 10 words and over 15 signs.  He can back away from things, kick a ball, knows his body parts, and can help with household tasks (bringing things and throwing things away).  

Finally, it was time for two shots.  He cried while they were in, but settled down immediately.  He's tough!

Overall, visits like this make us proud to be Eli's parents!


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