Sunday, December 1, 2013

Giving Thanks

Wasn't it just Halloween yesterday? Oh my goodness. November really flew by and Thanksgiving snuck up on me. I had to hurry up and feel thankful. I appreciated the gentle nudge….push….ok, SHOVE to think about my many blessings and be thankful. I guess that is what it takes these busy, whirlwind days. 

First up, we were thankful for a beautiful, though cold, day. We Turkey Trotted that morning. It was right around 32 degrees at the start. Brrrr. The boys were smiling at the beginning but not at the end. (Note to self: Don't bring the kids to run if the temperatures are below 40. We had 3 whiny, crying, grumpy boys at the end.) But, we did it!

Thankful for the time with family at the lake. Always wonderful to spend time together with so many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Lots and lots of cousins. 

Thankful for my precious family. Matt has been my support and my constant cheerleader. And my sweet boys who delighted in their Thanksgiving fun with the cousins. 

Thank you, God. Thank you for this life you have blessed me with. Sometimes I forget how great it is. God is good.